Wednesday, March 10

Sprinnnggg Breeeaakkk!

So spring break has come and gone!! : ( It seems just like yesterday that everyone was moving in to their dorms and getting ready to begin the fall semester and now the second semester is half way over with!!! It’s crazy how time flies when you are having fun!!

I didn’t go on any fancy vacation this break because over the summer my family likes to take vacations together, and well my dad didn’t want to help me pay for a spring vacation if he is paying for a summer one! I had a ‘stay-cation’ were I relaxed at home, catching up on my favorite shows on the DVR list. Unfortunately, it wasn’t all relaxation – I did some homework too.

Over the break I had two assignments to do; I had to conduct some research for my research paper, and a new chemistry homework set has been posted, so I started on that. Of course I do have the option of not doing any homework – but if I did that then the next few weeks back in classes will be busy busy busy!!

Speaking of Chemistry I promised you I would tell you how the exam went. It was challenging but thanks to the homework set, I had been exposed to all the types of questions that were on the exam, and I did well! An accomplishment to be proud of!!

Professors jumped right back into lessons on Monday and gave A TON of homework – so I have to get back to that!


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