Monday, March 22

Very Busy!!

My past whole week has been very busy. I have been spending every night at dance practice getting ready for our three shows this week. Our shows are Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I am very excited about showing everyone the hard work we have put in over the past semester! In addition to spending a lot of time at dance, I have also spent 3 days this past week at my elementary schools. Tuesday and Thursday I was at School #23 and Friday I was at School #16. Both the schools are part of the Rochester City School District. I really like the teacher I work with on Tuesday and Thursdays because I get to travel from class to class. It has really shown me many new techniques about teaching.

This week is going to be another very busy week for me! I have dress rehearsals for the dance show, I have to go to my elementary schools, work at the Book Fair here at Fisher for the Education department, help out at First Grade at College and dance in my shows!! It will be a very busy week for sure!! I will let you know how everything goes next week!

Brittany : )

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