Tuesday, November 27

We're back into the swing of things after a wonderful Thanksgiving break. One of the major things I think I'm going to take away from my experience here at Fisher is just how important the meaning of family is. It's something we take for granted growing up and sometimes never truly realize. However, at Fisher, we always feel like we are a family. It always sound cliche, but when I'm at Fisher I feel like I'm at home. This was evident this past week during break. Yes, it was wonderful to see my "literal" family, but all I kept thinking about was my Fisher Family and what they were doing for the holiday's.

This entry may sound like a soap box to some of you, but it's very true. I've built some amazing relationships while at Fisher. This is because of the amazing support system we have in place. From professors, to librarians, to dining hall workers, to RAs, and to peers; we have an amazing support group here. To that, I am very thankful to St. John Fisher College and all it's given me. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are ready for the holiday season! I'll have more to share with you tomorrow.


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