Friday, December 3

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! =) It was very nice to have a couple days off to relax with my family.

I know you are all scrambling to finish up applications but I just wanted to talk to you guys about one of the awesome scholarship programs we have here at Fisher….

The First Generation program is for students whose parents have not received a college degree; they are the first in their family to attend a college essentially. I am very involved in the scholarship program. I serve on the e-board as my class representative, I am a mentor to Freshman First Gens., and I also read applications and interview new applications. The point of the program is for First Generation Scholars to really shape their leadership skills and give back to the Rochester area or their local communities. We have a class first semester which is entitled “Leadership Through Self-Development” and every semester after that we have a seminar course. We are also required to complete 30 hours of community service a semester. The First Generation Program offers students 1/3 up to half their tuition free. Applications are due by January 15th, so make sure you get them in before the deadline!

It really is a great program and I highly suggest it to anyone who loves giving back to their local community and really trying to improve their leadership skills to better prepare them for the future.

Until Next Time,


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