Thursday, February 11

Volleyball Tournament

Back again for another week!

This week was a little bit more exciting than last week. I recently became a member of the SAAC committee (Student Athlete Advisory Committee). We meet on Tuesday’s during Free Period (a time when many clubs meet because there are no scheduled classes for students) and have lunch in the SLC (Student Life Center: our Athletics Building) and discuss different activities that we could plan to try and get Fisher’s athletic teams to be more supportive of each other. We just decided upon a black light volleyball tournament in March!! I’m super excited about this one! We are going to put black lights all around the SLC and turn all the lights out and play volleyball. Men’s and Women’s Basketball will make co-ed teams together, Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, and so on. We are even going to have a DJ there!! Not only is this going to be a great way for all of Fisher’s Athletes to really get to interact with each other on a less competitive level, but all the money that we raise is going to be donated to Golisano Children’s Hospital.

Everyone mark your calendars… on April 21, during halftime of the Men’s Lacrosse game here at Fisher, the check to Golisano Children’s Hospital for all the money we have raised throughout the entire year is going to be presented. The more people we have there in support of this event, the better!

I got to take a break from studying this past weekend as well, and went to the movies to see "Dear John" with a couple of my friends. It was a tear jerker, for sure…and who doesn’t love Channing Tatum? It was nice to be able to relax for awhile and enjoy not having to study!

But…tomorrow I have my first marketing exam, so…back to studying I go!

Until next week,

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