Thursday, February 25

Summer Courses…

Hey everyone!

This last week before spring break has actually been pretty laid back! I’m thankful to say that I only had one test this week, unlike many of my friends who had two or three midterms to study for!

In my free time I’ve been trying to look for some classes at the nearby community college (Monroe Community College) to take this summer online. I’ve found that by taking summer classes it is a lot easier to get my core curriculum out of the way so I can focus on my major classes during the actual school year. Fisher is known as a liberal arts institution, so the “core curriculum” that you need to fulfill in order to graduate covers a wide range of classes that do not necessarily pertain to your major. For example, I have taken classes such as psychology, sociology, and film classes and my major is business. It’s a really great way to get different perspectives on a variety of subjects!

It’s super easy to find classes that transfer into Fisher as college core courses, or as major classes. The link I have provided shows exactly which courses at MCC transfer as what credit here at Fisher.

Transfer Equivalency at MCC

Have a great rest of the week everyone!


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