Thursday, February 11

Superbowl Party

Hello All!

Okay, So I totally lied last time, this week has been ridiculous lol. It has definitely turned out to be a busy one. Suddenly things are due! Ahh….or maybe its me and my great procrastination skills. Regardless, I’m slowly but surely getting through my work.

On a lighter note though, I am very happy the Saints won this past Sunday!!!! Our Superbowl party went very well and we all had a really good time. My Mother’s visit last Thursday also went really well. You can’t go wrong with a day of pampering and Cheesecake!

This week I am getting more and more nervous for my Vagina Monologues show next week! VLOGS is a show Fisher Players puts on every year and funds are raised for women in the Congo and a local organization in Rochester. I have never acted though, so I am a tad nervous…! This weekend TEDDI is going on and that’s one of our largest events here at Fisher. It’s going to be a blast! Were dancing for 24 hours straight! I also am having a Valentines Day party on our floor Sunday as well, so this weekend should be pretty busy. Plus I start work on Monday…grrrlol Well I better get going. Unfortunately, Homework is not going to do itself!

Till next time,

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