Monday, March 29

Volunteer Options

Hi everyone!

This past weekend my friends and I decided to do some volunteer work. During the week I was reading though the Cardinal Courier, our school newspaper, and found an ad. It was advertising for volunteer work at some of the local city schools. I had heard a lot of positive feedback from this event last year and wanted to get involved. The event is called PCC. It is put on by SWAV- Students With A Vision. It is our service club on campus. This year I, along with about 10-15 other people painted the cafeteria in school #10. It was a lot of fun. It ran from 8am-4pm and transportation was provided. Even though it was an extremely early morning on Saturday morning, it was more than worth it. I look forward to being able to do this again next year! This weekend is 1st Graders at College which is another volunteer option on campus. There are many options like this on campus. Talk to you next week, I’ll be sure to tell you about 1st Graders at College. Have a great week!

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