Tuesday, January 18

Hello All!!

This is Amanda Scheutzow and Maggie Hoogeveen blogging to you! WE ARE ROOMMATES, AND BEST FRIENDS, IN DORSEY 107!!!

We are both sophomores and are both Student Ambassadors (Meaning we give you guys TOURS!!) Amanda is a Business Management Major with a concentration in Marketing while Maggie is a Nursing Major. We both love our chosen majors and encourage you to look into them! Our future after Fisher entails earning lots of money and saving lives!

Fisher offers a ton of extra-curricular activities for you to get involved with! To list a few that we are involved with: Student Ambassadors, Spring Event Committee, Resident Student Association, Intramural Sports, Varsity Sports, and Orientation Team! We will explain these clubs and organizations further throughout our blog, so STAY TUNED!!!

We are very excited to start this blog for you guys because it is going to be EPIC! We will talk about our interesting and fun-filled lives living together, being involved on campus, classes and give you a little preview of what the college life will be like! (Bonus: VIDEOS!!!)

-A & M

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