Thursday, March 1

Hey Everyone!

I can't believe it's March already and we get out of school at the end of April! It seems like this semester is flying by. I am pretty excited though because tomorrow is the start of Spring Break! It is going to be so great to go home after being at school since January 11th! I can't wait to see my family and all my friends from home. Not to mention, it will be a nice break from school work. I just have to finish up a take home midterm tonight, revise a draft of an essay, pack, and go to two classes tomorrow and I am homeward bound! So weird. 

What is quite weird still for me is to think that this is my "spring break." In high school this would have been mid-winter break. It is so nice but strange to think that in two months, I will be out on summer vacation! It is such a great feeling because that means four months of full-time work and saving money! By the end of the summer though, I am always ready to come back. It is still nice though, to get away from school for a few months. Jumping ahead of myself though, I still have a couple months until summer break.

This spring break I am hoping to get a lot of stuff in one week. I need to catch up with family and friends. I need to get some hours in at work to add some more money to my savings. I am also hoping to do some significant reading. I do so much reading for school work when classes are in session that I have a lot less time for leisure reading. So I am hoping to finish a couple of books I have started as well as start a couple new ones. I think it will be a very productive break!

Well I hope everyone has a great couple of weeks! Until next time...

*Kate :)

Wednesday, February 29

Who is your girlfriend’s favorite magician?

Well, I met him at an SAB event right here at St. John Fisher College. Not only that, but I got to go up on stage with him while he performed a magic trick. Do you know why he is your girlfriend’s favorite magician? It’s not the long brown hair or the dashing smile. It’s because he says he knows what women want. I must say he had me believing him when he handed out chocolate to the first girl he called on to help him out with a magic trick. Chocolate is definitely high on the list, up there with massages and flowers, coming from a pro herself. I have seen so many cool things at Fisher, like a comedian, the Truman Brothers, and a star from Ghost Hunters International. This magician is something that I have never seen before, and he offered tricks that kept the crowd, both girls and guys, laughing for hours. SAB does a great job of changing things up with activities. I am still wondering how he got the twenty dollar bill into the orange that as tied up in a bag the entire time he was eating the twenty dollars. Sometimes, you just have to acknowledge talent when you see it. Oh, and to put the cherry on top of one delectable evening, my friend and won two of the baskets in the raffle that night. Yup, clubs like to not only give you entertainment but also chances to win awesome prizes, like a Fisher blanket, gift cards, and Fisher t-shirts for free as long as you attend some of their events. Hey, free entertainment and free raffle tickets are hard to find in the real world, and that is why Fisher is the place to be.

Tuesday, February 28


I am in a fabulous mood because there are only five days until Spring Break!!!!! I think the whole campus is ready for some time off. However, with break quickly approaching that means housing applications are due for next semester already! This semester is flying by, and it seems weird to be thinking so far ahead already. Curious how housing works at Fisher? Well, hopefully I can give you the inside scoop!

Freshman year is AWESOME! You can get placed in one of three buildings: Murphy Hall, Ward Hall, or Haffey Hall...they are all fabulous. Your roommates are chosen based on the learning community your put in, as well as your preference form. Be honest on the preference forms people! If you are sloppy, be proud and own that sloppiness! Fisher is a judgment free zone! I lived in Murphy Hall my first year, and I miss it! I am still best friends with all the girls I lived with on our hallway.

After freshman year you get to pick where you want to live. Housing is based on credits here at Fisher. The more credits you have, the better housing number you get. There is a "tier system". Essentially, however many credits you have places you within a certain tier...within that tier you will receive a random housing number...and based on that housing number you will receive a day and time that you can pick your housing preferences.
The upper class residential communities include: Dorsey, Michaelhouse, Murray, Keough, and Founders. Right now I live in Keough, and it is beautiful! I love my room. My roommate and I have plenty of space, and we have our own bathroom. We will be applying to live in Founders for next semester. Founders is the "Ritz Carlton" of college housing (it is nice... if you did not get my joke lol). The rooms are quads, and therefore there are two bedrooms, a common living room area, and a bathroom.
All the buildings at Fisher are incredibly well kept, and quite spacious! You really have nothing to worry about. These photos are of my actual room right now, so I can prove that I am not lying to you lol! Come check them out for yourself!



How's Everyone Doing?

Maybe it is because I am a bookworm, but I feel like the Library has not gotten much love through blogging! I do not know why because Lavery Library is by far the best library in existence. I do not know if it is all the friendly staff who work there, the yummy treats they give us during finals week, or the all the resources, but it is definitely great!

Fisher's library holds some pretty amazing collections, which are really cool and interesting. It holds "The Book of Kells”, which is a Latin Version of the New Testament, transcribed by monks over 1000 years ago. SJFC has book number 765 of 1480 books worldwide...pretty cool, right? We also have many things written by Fredrick Douglass because he spent many years in Rochester during the abolitionist movement. The North Star was Frederick Douglass' Paper, and Lavery Library has original copies of 147 of these influential newspapers.

Fisher also has eight great librarians, and each of them is assigned a specific School at the College for help with research. Therefore, students in all academic areas at Fisher have a specific librarian they can turn to when trying to do research for a specific class and/or project. If the librarians are not available to help you at that specific time... don't worry! We have a program at Fisher called "Ask 24/7". If a Fisher librarian is not available, you can simply go online and type your question in a chat box that is linked to the Lavery Library website page, and a librarian from somewhere else in the country will answer your question for you! It is awesome, and very helpful for those late nights when you have a random question at 3am!

I love the Library, as most students do at Fisher! Make sure you get familiar with it freshman year because it becomes more and more helpful as you progress through your degree!

Talk to you all soon!

Hi Guys!

I had a super busy week last week with 2 big tests, but I got through it! With next week being spring break for us, I really do not have that much work to do so I went home this weekend! I live about 3 and a half hours away so it is not often that I get to go home, so it was nice to have some down time. It was really nice to see my family and just relax and catch up on some much needed sleep. Over spring break my plan is to do the same thing. I am going to visit my brother at college and then when I get done with that, my plan is to relax and enjoy being home. Other than that nothing too special has been happening here at Fisher. Hope you all enjoyed your spring break and have a great week!!
